DECEMBER 27 2024, 11:42 PM - FIRST i think normal people just call this a blog, but i don't care lol. if you wanna listen to me ramble about stuff, read on, if that's not your thing, go back to the first page.
DECEMBER 28 2024, 12:02 AM - MARIO GAME i've been playin this mario hack called b3313 a lot recently and its really cool. i have a video of it here
this level is whomp's fortress. it has a tower at the top but i couldn't fit the whole video here. this gif alone is 12 MB! the filesize is not getting any smaller, i fear. it's supposed to be a beta themed horror hack, and it's really good! there's so muchto explore, it makes you feel bad when you die, becuase you probably won't see that area again for a long time. there's a really complicated map of the hack somewhere out there. (i just looked up the map, it's harder to read than a map of the paris catacombs!) there's some sort of weird yellow switch i found, though. i haven't seen anyone else talking about it. i'm sure someone else has seen it, but it feels like i'm alone in this knowledge! let me tell you. there's an area in the hack with a big castle hall lined with pipes. at the end of the hall is a giant archway leading to a little pool outside, and a garden beyond that. to the left of the pool is a hedge maze, and in the maze you'll find a green pipe. jump in to make it to the switch room. step on the switch, it'll say something ominous, and then reset your game. i'm 99% sure that this causes some other weird thing to happen...
after you reset the game, go to the castle. instead of the typical room with four doors, there is one door with the number "1" on the front. step in the door, and you'll find a painting depicting a green field, with some mushroom houses (?) and mountains in the back. it's the same painting used for whop's fortress! go in the painting to find whomp's fortress, now much bigger, and covered in black fog. the music is similar to the normal music, but it's slower and missing many instruments. the game tells your your objective is to get the star, so you climb to the top of the tower. once you get the star, the level resets, and you're now back at the beginning again. this time, there's a timer, and the level is even bigger than before. if i remember correctly, you only have 45 seconds before you lose and have to try all over again.
i have no idea why that creepy level is there, but it troubles me time and time again. now i'm not the only one who knows the secret! (well, it's hardly a secret, the hack's been out for years...)
DECEMBER 28 2024, 1:19 PM - SONIC MOVIE 3 IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THE MOVIE YET, WATCH IT AND COME BACK HERE. YOU WON'T REGRET IT! i just finished watching the new sonic movie and oh. my. GOD. it's so good. i think i'm in love with it! i (totally didn't) watch the whole movie on a pirate site so it was kind of low quality the whole way through, but i still enjoyed it thoroughly. THERE'S GONNA BE SPOILERS UP AHEAD, so if you haven't seen the movie, proceed with caution. it's so sad that shadow sacrificed himself at the very end :((( he changed character at the last moment too, went from wanting revenge to realizing that it wouldn't be good for anybody, very emotional movie. it managed to be silly and serious at the right times, which is something you certainly can't say for all Sonic media...
DECEMBER 30 2024, 11:54 PM - END OF THE YEAR 2024 over... can you believe it! i forgot most of the stuff that happened to me this year, but the stuff i remember is NOT GREAT, so unfortunately, i cannot say that 2024 was a great year. it was alright, the second half of the year really brought things back. i started off the year using twitter (bad sign) which was probably bad for my mental health looking back at it, and school was pretty shit until it ended in may. not a great way to kick off the year, but those 3 months of break really helped. gave me time to rest & recover. the last three months of the year were great, though, so i can't say 2024 was terrible either. hopefully 2025 is better, but if it's worse, it is only one year. time moves on, and it'll all be over one day.
FEBRUARY 10 2025, 10:14 PM - I RETURN been a while since i looked at this, or at least it feels like it. i'm not dead though! that's basically all i'm here to say. maybe while you're here, look at my youtube or bitview pages? i don't upload to the second one real often, but show some support anyways, why don't ya? that's all otherwise. bye-bye!