Hi! if you find this and aren't me, i hope you aren't too dissapointed with the site. right now, it's mostly for me to leave notes for myself on html basics. maybe one day, i'll learn good html and css and make this website pretty...
h1 means header 1.
p is for paragraph. that lets you make normal text. all the commands such as the aforementioned p and h1 must be put in these things --> "<>" to function.
This is a paragraph! Here's how you make a link: Neocities.
the command "a" must be for links. href, which i guess stands for "hyperlink reference" starts off a link statement. like demonstrated above, i can send you to roblox.
Here's how you can make bold and italic text.
here we have STRONGWORD and EMWORD named for commands "strong" and "em" to make bolds and italics respectively. put a / before the closing command unless you want STRONGWORD and EMWORD to take over your page! are italics named after italy?
here's the instructions for image. to start, use command "img" followed by src="/filename.ftp". don't forget to close off the command with one of these ">"
Here's how to make a list:
some basic form elements i brought from a tutorial website.
go check out the "blog" section here
while you're at it, sign my guestbook.
To learn more HTML/CSS, check out these tutorials!